An “Emotional Intelligence” Test | Travel Research Online


An “Emotional Intelligence” Test


Consider yourself warned. The day is coming soon. When it finally arrives, and the world re-opens for business, my question to you is: “Will you be mentally prepared to deal with the changes?”

If you have been giving any credibility to the advice being shared daily from the rags and airwaves on how to take advantage of this “opportunity,” you undoubtedly have covered a great deal of ground since personally deciding this “virus-thing” was more than a hoax. Over 50,000 American relatives beg to differ.

True enough, there have been a few positives uncovered along the way. In addition to the unfortunate but necessary paperwork necessities, you have probably re-introduced the concept of family dining to your clan. I hope many of you have dusted off your tennis shoes, and have taken a walk or two around the block while saying something kind to your unknown neighbor of fifteen years. (What’s their name?) Who knew that Law & Order had 465 individual episodes? (Time saver: After watching ten plots you have seen them all.) I am betting you are planning to vote to give your kid’s teachers both a raise and a trophy once they return to the classroom. Don’t quote me, but it has been said that over one million closets and garages have been tidied up with over 35 tons of “stuff” finally discarded. And here is a big one.  Given just fifteen seconds, I bet many of you can find a past itinerary to prove the Balkans indeed include Macedonia.  Many travel professionals now for the first time know where the Balkans are, and have updated their credentials in five other worldly locations.

To all of these accomplishments, I say, “Well done. Nice work. Good for you.”

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But the real test lies in waiting. Believe me when I tell you that up to this juncture you have been in training. Hanging around the house is like taking a “walk in the park.” Similar to the disruptive changes brought about by 9/11 we are all in for another severe dose of life-altering behavior change.

I am afraid what “modifications” might be involved is still a chapter of this saga yet to be written. A few topics of chagrin might involve airline seating, greeting protocol, seating arrangements at dining establishments, facial adornments, hours of general operation, personal hygiene, periodic temperature checks and who knows what else. What I do know (and can say without hesitation) is that we will not be returning to life as we once knew it.  We are all in for a whole bunch of “change.” Do not fool yourself by thinking otherwise. Start preparing yourself mentally today.

How you physically handle these soon-to-arrive inconveniences will determine your psychological well-being and overall mental health going forward.  As much as you might abhor the inconveniences brought to task by the TSA, “it is here to stay and will continue to be what it is.” As much as your human-inner-workings will want to complain and outwardly show your disdain for post COVID-19 decisions, “they will be what they will be.”

Of course, it is your right to get your blood boiling, your heart racing, your pulse pounding, and your voice raised. If that is what floats your boat, go for it. But remember you have been warned. So, when you are about to fly into a rage having ventured into unchartered waters, don’t act surprised. I told you so.

It will soon be time to display some emotional intelligence and show the world what you are really made of. Change? Bring it on.


Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. Send for details.

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