What’s Your Latest Idea? | Travel Research Online


What’s Your Latest Idea?

There is no better time than today to start focusing on a number of items on your “T0-Do List.” One such item immediately comes to mind, as I begin writing today’s message: Have more “ideas.”

Ideas are the seed of all new and exciting accomplishments. Many ideas lead to greater things. Most fizzle out and die on the vine. A few take on a life of their own and pay measurable dividends. Some arrive too late, while others surface before their time.

I’m not here today to share my latest “brainstorm” with you, but it just may leak out before I finish. I want to ask what is going through your head, and what ideas you have as you move through the eighth month of the Covid-19 Conundrum. What can you be doing that you are not doing now? What makes sense? Where is today’s greatest need? What opportunities need a little more thought? When was the last time you heard yourself say, “I have an idea.” What did you do about it?

I fear many of you are still becoming comfortable in the hunkering down mode, waiting for the green light before you begin getting back to work. But even if there were a green light, you would find yourself at the starting line getting ready to start again from scratch. Any benefit from previous momentum would thwart any forward progress.

On the other hand, if you know the race will soon be taking place, and you are preparing properly today, the odds will be on your side for a successful future. But it all begins with an idea.

For some of you, having ideas represents a new concept. For others, they are a dime a dozen. In all cases, however, nothing will ever come from an idea if you don’t do anything about it. The keyword here is ACTION, and with action comes risk and the possibility of failure. This leads me to a very important recommendation, and I am serious when I tell you, “If you want to be more successful, fail faster.
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Ideas come from everywhere… and anywhere… at any time of day. My latest idea came from a video my wife forwarded to me of a Navy Seal’s motivational presentation to a group of college graduates. I liked the speaker’s style. I liked the speaker’s message. I saw a possible connection with my Ironman training regimen and began drafting a presentation of my own using my personal lessons and observations. I am pretty sure I can make a meaningful connection with small business entrepreneurs with personal experiences they can identify with. Time will tell. This new project began with an idea. It is now time for action.

Back to you. What are you thinking? What do you know that others can benefit from? What do your clients need to know? What do your prospects want to know? What initial steps can you take? When are you going to take step #1? What are you going to do first, second, and third?

Remember, all of your ideas will not be winners. The important thing to remember is to keep having them.


Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. Send for details.

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