Marketing Works… If You Do | Travel Research Online


Marketing Works… If You Do


Has this ever happened to you? I don’t consider myself an impulse buyer but, I once purchased a vacuum cleaner from a TV infomercial at 3:30 am.

Usually asleep at that time of night, I was watching television when something caught my attention. Before I knew it, I was the proud owner of a vacuum cleaner known as The Stick Shark. This thing sucks up screws and bolts like nothing you have ever seen.

How did that happen?

Later that week…

I read about a new book titled The Tipping Point in The New York Times, by Malcolm Gladwell. It looked like something I might be interested in, but I didn’t give it another thought… until I was browsing at Barnes & Noble on Saturday afternoon, I spotted it again in the business section. I was soon reading The Tipping Point.

How did that happen?

In both instances, “it” happened because I was introduced to the product. In both instances, a product was brought to my attention, and I was given a few reasons why I might want to consider buying the product. I was not shopping for a vacuum, nor does my office library need another business book. I am not sorry in either case, but the point is that it wasn’t my idea to purchase either product until the product was brought to my attention.

This is proof-positive (in my mind) that marketing works. It doesn’t work all the time, on every single prospect; but, in the long run, it works. But I can promise you this: It won’t work unless you do.


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This is what you have to do.

Introduce yourself and your agency to people… and give them a few good reasons why they should use you for their travel purchases. Then, let the cards fall where they may and follow-up when appropriate.

Not every sleep-deprived New Jersey-centric marketing guy provided their credit card number at 3:30 a.m. – just so they could be the proud owner of a bolt-sucking vacuum named after a fish. But I did. Marketing works folks… but only if you give it a chance to work.

Here is what I want you to do. Get out and make it your business to connect with people. Tell them what you have to offer. Tell them what is in it for them. Some people will pay attention. Some people won’t. And a few may even become your next client. Stranger things have happened.


P.S. – As for my vacuum – it really does suck up bolts! I am a happy customer and ready to provide a referral. It all started with effective marketing… which works.


A headshot of the author, Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. Send for details.

  One thought on “Marketing Works… If You Do

  1. I like this article…a good reminder for me so I printed it out to hang on the wall over my desk.

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