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Skills Don’t Come In Pill Form


What new skill sets are you working to acquire these days? With all the pivot-preaching prevalent, I wonder who is dreaming big and who is doing big? Inspire me, please!

Skills don’t come in pill form, but can you imagine if they did? The upside would be the instant, one-step mastery of a new skill set. The downside would be the instant, one-step mastery of a new skill set.

If we took a magic pill to achieve it, how would we value it? The only heavy-lifting needed is a glass of water to wash it down. I don’t see any real sense of accomplishment in such a trivial task – nor any personal, professional, or spiritual growth happening.

I don’t see how we’d get the adrenaline rush of crossing the success finish line! There’d be no cheers along the way, nor pats on the back; no sense of authentic victory.

What’s more, employers would shrug it off. Consumers would be unmoved. Listing it on a resume or highlighting it in a sales pitch would be more of a technicality than a remark-ability. What might have been a big deal and perhaps a fun, interesting story would be trivial.

Even if I could take a pill to give me the physical and mental skills to complete my first Ironman 70.3, I’d take a pass. The dopamine rush that I feel during, and long-after, my workouts are already transformative in many areas of my life.

Shortly, I will go back to school and earn ADHD Life Coach certification. Like my Ironman 70.3 training, I see and embrace the mountain of hard work ahead in order to reach another far-off goal post! This life accomplishment will bring me personal and professional remark-abilities.

“Mastering a new skill set is not simply a destination reached, it is the full journey of experiences before and beyond.” – Stuart

Most of us want to experience personal and professional growth. You wouldn’t be reading this if you opted for a life of staleness and stagnancy. Those other folks wish that skills came in pill form!

By definition, ambitious people possess the desire to achieve it and the determined action go get it.

I am learning the art and science of successful podcasting! Three entirely unique concepts are on the launch pad. I am writing my first ‘big’ book (compared to the two successful booklets I published years ago). These projects require me to learn all new skill sets.

I believe there is no better time than now to raise your accomplishment bar. Set your goal and give it massive effort. In the words of the late, great Zig Ziglar, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.”



Stuart Cohen, Chief Motivation Officer at

If you can think big, Stuart will help you do big! An accomplished 28-year travel industry executive turned serial solopreneur, Stuart is a creator of brands and an energizing motivational speaker. He motivates & maximizes personal performance in leadership, entrepreneurship, salesmanship & wellness.

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