Some Ideas Are Worth Repeating | Travel Research Online


Some Ideas Are Worth Repeating


Let me rephrase today’s title: All good ideas are worth repeating.

On September 24th, I shared my views on how a daily crossword puzzle can effectively remind us of the concept of leveraging clues appropriately. While I fumbled through the USA Crossword Puzzle earlier this week, the lesson re-surfaced and I found myself smiling.

I don’t say this very often but, this particular lesson is a “gem” and it is worth repeating. I will use slightly different words this time, so as not to appear like a lazy slug by simply regurgitating my words from September 24th. Found here.

Same message. Different words. You read a clue sometimes, and the answer immediately pops into frame. Twenty-two down, four letters. Clue: Popular shades of lipstick: REDS. Easy-peasy. At other times, you read a clue and you literally do not have a clue. Until you do.

Six down. Six letters. Clue: Minor shortcoming. Nothing comes to mind. But once the four letters of six across are filled in and you see the first letter for six down is an “F” the word “FOIBLE” fits the bill. Voila! You cracked another one.

Click Here!

The same phenomenon is introduced to us in business – on a daily basis. Some challenges resemble “a piece of cake,” while others have us scratching our heads in bewilderment. Until some clue pops into mind, and we look at the current conundrum from a slightly different angle … from a new perspective. The answer, or solution, comes into frame and you are once again off and running.

I apologize if today’s repeated message causes any degree of consternation on your part. But some things are worth repeating. When you get “stuck” in a business-related situation, don’t stop looking for clues that you are in a position to address. Chances are the ball will continue to bounce and before you realize what happened, you will back in control and once again, whistling a happy tune.


Your Business & USA Today’s Crossword Puzzle.


A headshot of the author, Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. Send for details.

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