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My Advice to Job Seekers


If you have been reading my morning memos, you probably find yourself disagreeing with me from time to time. If you find yourself disagreeing with me more often than not, I suggest you stop reading my daily memos. This is known as emotional intelligence.

But, even if you do agree with my opinions now and then, I just may test your allegiance with today’s thought.

First of all, I am not a big fan of the job resume. That statement, in and of it self, may sound as sacrilegious to some of you. Remember, today’s article is being written by a “maverick.” I feel that the time spent crafting and editing a detailed document outlining your qualifications and how “really cool” you are – is more or less a waste of time. I say this because your resume is literally one of hundreds that look and sound EXACTLY alike. In my opinion the resume is the ideal tool to make the selection process a whole lot easier by disqualify candidates quickly and without much thought.

You must admit all resumes look alike and sound pathetically similar. The job seeker often forgets that, although the reader appears to be in a position of authority, they too feel they are over-worked and under-paid. Eliminating candidates is far easier than separating fact from fiction.

If you are open to hearing a professional opinion that is reality-based and designed to capture the attention, as well as the imagination of the decision maker, I say, forget the resume.

In any sales situation, regardless of the service, product or industry, step one calls for capturing the buyer’s attention. This won’t happen if you insist on playing the same ole “pick me” resume game. You must step away from normal mob behavior and position yourself as “something special” right from the giddy-up. Here is what I suggest you do next time you want to start on Monday.


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First, decide what gives your future supervisor (your boss) the biggest headache. Regardless of the industry or day of the week, I will now tell you exactly what that is.

  1. They want an employee they can count on… one that will come to work ready to work every day on time.
  2. They want an employee who does not come with an attitude. They are looking for people who are “coachable” and who have a keen desire to improve.
  3. They are looking for an employee who is willing to contribute and will professionally represent both the company and their boss.

Everything else can be taught in very short order.

Here is what I want you to write to your next potential employer:

My name is Mike Marchev. I sincerely believe I can contribute to the growth or your organization. If given the opportunity to do so, you will not regret your decision.

  1. I will show up ready to work every day… on time.
  2. I am coachable and receptive to input.
  3. I will perform my duties without exception and without excuse.

How soon can I begin proving this to you?

And Then, There is Sales

To those who are not looking for a new job, this same strategy holds true when trying to sell a new client on your services. Refrain from waxing eloquent. Tell the prospect the four things you can provide as soon as your business-relationship begins.

Simple sells. Truth sells. Results sell.


A headshot of the author, Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. Send for details.

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