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We can be thankful that the sky is NOT falling

Right around St. Patrick’s Day of 2020, it appeared that the sky was indeed falling. Cruise ships were afloat and being denied entry to ports around the world and we all were hoping that this strange, new virus from China would somehow decide to not visit the United States.  We now all know how that worked out. But all is not lost.

If you are reading this, you are likely stressed out wondering when our livelihoods will return to something close to normal. I am at the head of that line for sure. But the fact that we have survived this long when the run was pulled out from under us, speaks volumes to our tenacity, resolve, and enthusiasm to survive and thrive in an industry we all love. Just as St. Patrick’s Day ushered this virus in; it seems that Thanksgiving may be the start of ushering it out. So, let’s take pause for a moment and reflect.

There is much to be thankful for. No, really, there is.  Our businesses are still around and operational (albeit in a drastically reduced state). We likely have been able to heed the advice of the experts and taken the steps to avoid the virus. And we have a client base who is just as frustrated and anxious to travel again as we are.  There is solid hope that a vaccine is on the horizon and slowly business will return. OK, so it is not the typical “be thankful for a stellar year,” but as we reflect on the adversity dealt to us, there truly is a lot to be thankful for.

We do have a few more months ahead of us, and they too will be difficult like the past nine. But like a workout, the first part is the hardest and then once you get into the swing of it, it does not seem as bad.

Stay the course. Remain in contact with your clients and keep them up to speed on where you stand. Now would be a great time to survey them—you can buy Survey Monkey for a month and then back down to the free plan if needed. The holidays are also a great time to check in and wish your clients the best. If the budget is there—mail a card. If not, then do a special email broadcast. As Mike Marchev always says, let them know you are alive and thankful.

As for me, I am thankful that my COVID test came back negative, my clients are raring to go, my kids are almost home for a visit, and for you!  Thanks for reading.

Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.

Now go wash your hands!

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