Make Your Move | Travel Research Online


Make Your Move


Today is the perfect day to wish everybody who reads my column regularly a very Merry Christmas, along with sincere wishes for a fun and productive 2021.

But before doing so, I would like to share two experiences with you I had just yesterday. They have nothing to do with each other, but both serve as good reminders.

The first one occurred during my biweekly Inner Circle Meeting. The meeting ran a full 70-minutes, but by the reports received we accomplished a great deal. It wasn’t until I signed off at the end of the meeting that I realized that I had neglected to hit the record button. Since many of my members rely on the recording you might imagine how poorly I felt as a result of this oversight. The word I used was DUMB!


Lesson # 1

The first lesson involves checklists and quality control. These meetings have become second nature to me and although I consider myself a professional, I was reminded how the adult mind can easily forget important items. I knew I was supposed to record the meeting. I forgot.

That is where you come in. You serve as your client’s safety net. Your job is to make sure that their “record button” gets pushed; the small print is read on the contracts; and every detail from a A-Z is identified, examined, and addressed appropriately.


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Lesson #2:

Later in the day I received an email from an agent who I have not had the pleasure to meet personally. She connected with one of my daily messages and took the time to reach out to me to show her appreciation and interpretation of this particular article. The key phrase here is “took the time.”

Here was my opportunity to return the courtesy and let her know, in no uncertain terms, that people do read her emails. I dialed her phone number and left a “thank-you” message on her voice mail. Minutes later my phone rang and for the next twenty minutes two “strangers” had a delightful conversation.

Ladies and gentlemen, opportunities to spread goodwill and showcase your professionalism are everywhere. You just need to remove your blinders, stop worrying about what “might” happen, start focusing on what “could” happen, and make your move. This is simple stuff. If you want more all you have do is do more.


I will leave you on this Christmas Eve with a handful of reminders:

  1. Have your client’s back. Be their “center fielder.” Be there for them.
  2. Make your move sooner rather than later.
  3. Don’t pull the mask off the Lone Ranger (Jim Croce)
  4. Eat your vegetables (Mom)
  5. Exercise more (Jack Lalane)
  6. Talk less
  7. Don’t ever lose your sense of humor
  8. Be humble and kind. (Tim McGraw)
  9. Have yourself a fantastic New Year
  10. Don’t stop wearing a mask. (This thing is not over yet.)


A headshot of the author, Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. Send for details.

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