Ready or Not: Here comes 2021 | Travel Research Online


Ready or Not: Here comes 2021


We are just days away from what historians refer to as a New Year.

In addition to calendar manufacturers, a great number of our peers are getting excited as 2020 comes to an unceremonious close.

Here are the facts. Yesterday has come and gone. Mentally, politically, and financially – it is done. Over. Kaput.

The one and only question worth asking is, “What are you planning to do with today and tomorrow? I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, you are driving the bus. Where you take it is entirely up to you.

One thing is for sure. There is not a shortage of people, websites, podcasts, documents and pdf’s, both online and off, suggesting the many ways for you to grow your business. I think the popular term is TMI. (Too much information.)

Well, I am taking this factoid to heart and have decided to “back off” as to the volume of information I will be sending your way in 2021. For five years, I have been writing a daily column for Travel Research Online but will now offer a weekly kick-off article. My new column will be called Mike’s Monday Cup of Mo-Joe.

Translation: A morning cup of motivational magic.


Click Here!


By definition, “mojo” is defined as magic. And what better environment to help you kick off the week than over a cup of coffee on Monday morning. Get it?

I reserve the right to discuss, report on, or refute any timely topic that I feel will help you feed your families. As they say down at the nets, “the ball is in my court.”

So Monday, January 4th will be the first article in my new column. I will be open to your suggestions so keep my email handy:

In addition to my Monday Cup of Mo-Joe, I will continue to share timely

information on my Thursday Podcast titled Miked Up Marchev. All future and archived episodes can be found at

I am not quite sure if “happy” will define 2021 as we begin to rebound from this past year’s train wreck, but I will promise you it will be “happier” than the last 12 months.


See you Monday.

Mike Marchev

Mike’s Monday Cup of Mo-Joe

A headshot of the author, Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. Send for details.

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