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In Search Of the Magic Pill

As a marketing specialist who has made his living sharing ideas, experiences, proven systems and “mistakes to avoid” since 1984, there are a couple of messages I feel stronger about than others.

The subject of today’s article sits right up there near the top. There is no magic bean, potion, solution, or remedy when it comes to growing and sustaining a business in today’s competitive environment. That is not to say that you can’t adopt a few best practices as your own. And there are a number of activities you can pursue that will silently sabotage your current progress.



There certainly is no shortage of so-called experts running around, both on and off the Internet, willing to give their unsolicited advice when it comes to business-related activities. (I must tread lightly here; since, by definition, I just might be one of them.)

I am reminded of the phrase, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” It is true that, over the past twenty years, we have all been introduced to “change” daily. There are no less than 1000 examples I could throw at you here, but I will mention just one to support my point. (The voice activated remote TV control.)

If you have been reading anything in the past few years about marketing your services, you have been barraged with the concept known as “Content Marketing.” This is where you use “information” to capture the attention of prospects. I for one have always endorsed this as a solid way to initiate contact with interested prospects.

But maybe, just maybe, this strategy has run its course. Google has made it easy for everybody to search and find information on just about anything… at any time… from any computer. “Content” may not be the word of tomorrow, and it may no longer represent the magic pill.

Using me as an example, I feel the world is lacking a sufficient number of people you can trust and who know what they are talking about. You can keep your iPhone 10, your autoresponders, your text messaging systems, your self-parking automobiles, your Alexa and Siri automated response systems and your battery-operated gizmos, and get ready to get back to a few of the basics.


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What I am “trying” to imply is that perhaps the new magic pill may take the form of the good old fashion “relationship.” Getting to know and care about individuals may soon prove to be the only “pill that cures.”

And the truth is that it is not magic at all. It is logical. And when you sort it all out, it is not that difficult. But here comes the rub. You can’t build meaningful relationships with everybody. Relationships take time. Therefore, it is in your best interest to begin in earnest to define your ideal client and begin to pursue the clientele that want and will appreciate an ongoing relationship with you.

Maybe the new “Magic Pill” is not magic at all.

“Hey, Bob. Mike Marchev here. Your name popped into my head yesterday and I thought I’d give you a call to see how your son made out with his job search.”

How do you build a relationship? One step, one call, one email, or one letter at a time.


A headshot of the author, Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club.

*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Mike’d Up Marchev) at Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google and iHeartRadio.

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