“I’ve Got This!” | Travel Research Online


“I’ve Got This!”

I was reminded of these three words while watching a TV show a few months back. It hit a chord with me, and I decided to adopt it as my new “phrase that pays.” Stay with me as I explain the significance behind these words.

I will tell you one thing right from the start. These words and the associated “belief” that come with them have nothing to do with hoping, wishing, dreaming, and any inherent optimism you might possess. The mere utterance of these three words will do little to make your “dream” a reality.

In my case, I repeat these three words to myself when I am feeling tired, frustrated or finding myself wanting to quit my daily training routine. You have heard me say numerous times that “the mind quits first.” And when I find my mind wanting to “quit,” I simply say to myself, “I’ve got this.”



But here is the “only” reason this phrase pays dividends. It works because I know I have put in the hours, the repetitions, the laps, the miles, the pains, and the mental preparation that supports this personal belief without exception. After paying the price, you can say with conviction—“I’ve got this.” And, I might add, you will not only hear yourself saying it but you will feel refreshed and exhilarated knowing it is the truth.

Okay. I set the stage using my current situation as an example. Let’s see how this all pertains to you and your personal travel business.

Before you can adopt these three words as your “phrase that pays,” you have to get yourself into a position that warrants the belief. Here are a few questions that might help your pending action plan.

  1. Have you cemented relationships with your short list of “A” Clients?
  2. Have you weeded out (discarded) the bottom feeders? Those clients that are draining your energies and profits.
  3. Are your current supplier relationships up to date?
  4. Have you decided on a specialty? (Niche?)
  5. If applicable, do you know what motivates your employees?
  6. Back up. Do you know what motivates YOU?
  7. Do you know your marketing message? Do you believe it?
  8. Do you have a plan designed to rekindle former accounts?
  9. If applicable, do you have a consistent and programmed communication vehicle?
  10. Have you decided what conferences/seminars you will attend in the next 12 months?
  11. Do you know how you will celebrate that next big piece of business?
  12. Do you honestly have the good of your customers as your primary concern?


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If you are still reading, I know what is going through your mind. You are thinking this is starting to sound a lot like a New Year’s Marketing Plan. And it’s already April 5th. But if there is any truth to the saying, “Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life,” then this ‘shoe’ just might fit.

To me, today’s article is both logical and timely. I am paying my dues “daily” to make sure I am ready when May 15th arrives, and I am standing to begin the swim in Panama City Beach. I will be mentally and physically prepared to say without hesitation, “I’ve got this.”

In your world, when you feel your stress quotient begin to rise for any one of a million reasons, you will know you have prepared diligently and are ready to “do your thing.” You will be the right person for the job since you will know, and believe in all your heart, that “You’ve got this.”


A headshot of the author, Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club. mike@mikemarchev.com.

*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Mike’d Up Marchev) at www.TravMarketMedia.com Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google and iHeartRadio.

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