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Always Go For the Low-Hanging Fruit

We’ve all heard a phrase like “he picked the low-hanging fruit” in reference to something easy. Well, let me go on the record that there is nothing wrong with “easy”. In fact, I go out of my way to find easy ways to be more productive in many aspects of my personal and business life.

If I can find a tool to make me more efficient, I will use it. Scheduling social media posts and email broadcasts? Yup! Moving specific emails automatically to specific folders on my MacBook? Yup, got them too! And I also look for the easiest way to increase my revenue whenever I can with that low-hanging fruit—my existing clients.

We can all agree that finding and landing a new client is costly. There are advertising costs, onboarding costs, and then the hard-to-quantify costs of building trust. Building that trust usually does not have a hard dollar cost, but there is additional time spent learning about your client, making sure the trip is as perfect as possible, additional time and effort in assuring them they have made the best choice in dealing with you.

So, once you have it, resist ever giving it up. But use that relationship to build your bottom line and enhance your trusting client’s experience. Remember, price is rarely the top consideration for anyone when booking a trip. So, how to build the bottom line and enhance their experience?

There are so many ways to increase your average sale. Just go look for them.  Do you have any thoughts? Leave a comment!

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