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Don’t Worry—Be Happy

These four words popped into my head recently and, in addition to recalling a little tune sung by Bobby McFerrin, I found myself thinking of retirement. Yes, I have not been confused for a spring chicken for many years now; and I often have to stop and think how I managed to get out of bed yesterday. Some call it age, while I prefer to consider it as experience. But I digress.

Due to age, experience or whatever you want to call it, my days of actively pursuing new business have slowly gone the way of Seinfeld reruns. But here comes today’s million dollar thought of the day: I am having more fun knowing that I do not really care if I land that new account or not. (The truth be known… I do care, but I really don’t care.)



I find myself drafting emails and sales promotions for the pure fun of knowing that one of my little masterpieces just might ring true with a reader. Although I do not openly endorse the following as a working marketing strategy, if you do toss enough mud against the wall, some of it is bound to stick.

So I continue to send emails, letters, invitations, and reminders to a targeted audience hoping for the best but not becoming upset if nothing comes from my efforts. The fun of the hunt is still there, but I do not spend any time lamenting my failure to connect.


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I am reminded of the days when Easter Sunday was the day we began our hunt for those little colored embryos. We knew they were out there, so we continued searching until we found them all. Quitting was not an option, since we knew our parents would not pull a fast one on us.

Fast forward a number of years, and I am here to tell you your next client is out there waiting for you to discover them. They are not necessarily visible and in plain sight, but they are out there.

“So where is the meat, Mike?” you might be asking yourself. In seven words: “Lighten up. Stop pressing. Have more fun.” When you stop worrying about your next piece of business, and begin focusing on ways to make more meaningful connections, you will be on your way to performing your own happy dance.


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A headshot of the author, Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club.

*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Mike’d Up Marchev). Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google, and iHeartRadio.

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