Uber Plans to Create a ‘Superapp’ for Travel: Includes Aircraft, Trains, and Rental Vehicles | Travel Research Online


Uber Plans to Create a ‘Superapp’ for Travel: Includes Aircraft, Trains, and Rental Vehicles

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Uber is planning to create a “superapp” that will include aircraft, trains, and rental vehicles,  partnering with airlines, railroads, and rental car companies to provide a seamless experience for customers who want to travel.

The announcement was made by the regional manager for the UK,  Jamie Heywood, who said, “Ultimately, we want to make it as easy to move people around the world as today to order a Uber, a one-stop-shop for all your travel needs.”

They also plan to incorporate flights, hotel accommodation, and even Eurostar train tickets by integrating leading partners

The app is expected to be launched in the U.K first, with other markets to follow. There is no set date for when the app will be available to the public.

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