Posts Tagged With: loyalty

There are 2 articles tagged with “loyalty” published on this site.

Is Loyalty a Thing of the Past?

I love to visit early morning coffee shops when I am away from home. I listen to the locals meet and greet their friends during their daily ritual on their way to work. It truly is better entertainment for me than today’s TV selections.

A recent visit brought me to The White Castle on Central Avenue in Clark, N.J. This could very well have been the birthplace of the famous New Jersey “Death Ball”—a greasy hamburger about the size of a quarter. (Their coffee is their redeeming factor.)

I was nestled in the corner hiding behind my open laptop when Read the rest of this entry »

Does Loyalty Still Matter?

I love to visit early morning coffee shops when I am away from home. I listen to the locals meet and greet their friends during their daily ritual on their way to work.

It truly is better entertainment for me than today’s TV selections.

A recent visit was to The White Castle on Central Avenue in Clark, N.J. This could very well have been the birthplace of the famous New Jersey “Death Ball”—a greasy hamburger about the size of a quarter. (The coffee is a notch above okay.)

I was nestled in the corner hiding behind my open laptop when a policeman walked in and greeted the grill master. He then started chatting with another regular stool patron as they both propped themselves up against the counter.

I tuned in Read the rest of this entry »