Posts Tagged With: scope creep

There are 1 articles tagged with “scope creep” published on this site.

Scope Creep

Everybody is talking about fees, fees, fees.

Yes, we all know that when you charge a fee, you:

  1. Make more money
  2. Garner the type of clients who value your expertise
  3. Weed out the tire kickers
  4. Demonstrate your worth
  5. Create an accurate perception of your value
  6. And so much more…

But, nobody is talking about scope creep! What is it? How does it affect your profitability? And, how can you get rid of it altogether?

Scope creep is not a term that’s often used in the travel industry. Other service providers have been using it for years, and it’s high time that we start thinking about how it applies to us, as travel pros, and how it affects our bottom line!

I define scope creep as what happens when a client changes the game. Plain and Read the rest of this entry »