Marketing Plan

Goals and Objectives Worksheet


1. List some high level goals that you would like to achieve next year. Be general, but also be comprehensive. Examples might include items such as "Increase my client list", "Improve rates of repeat business" "Cut Expenses" or "Improve Profitability." You might also place items such as "Eliminate problem clients". Don't list specific tactics at this juncture.



2. Objectives

For each Goal you listed, try to develop a SMART summary. So, for example, "Increase My Client List" becomes:

  • Specific - Add 75 leisure clients - see more specifics we develop below!
  • Measurable - 75 is good, but each client should add a minimum of $300 (?) in net revenue
  • Achievable - Is 75 a reasonable number, ambitious but realistic? How about $300?
  • Reward - Will $300 be enough of a reward for the extra work? Should you scale to 50 clients each earning you $500?
  • Timing - When? How many in the first quarter? Q2? Q3? Q4?






3. Revisit your SWOT Analysis

On your SWOT Analysis, review each category. How do your goals and objectives match up with each? Are you taking advantage of your strenghts to gain new opportunities and turn them into Objectives? Are your weaknesses threatening your goals? How will you compensate?








4. . Make sure your goals are consistent with the Mission Statement you are working to develop. In a few short sentences, describe how your goals and objectives are consistent with your mission statement.


5. Note how your goals support each other. For example, increasing the number of clients will likely support the goal of higher take-home pay. If you can see connections between your goals, note them here.


6. Don't forget to include objectives for less tangible goals. For example one goal might be to spend more time planning and analyzing your marketing each month. Your objective might be to spend one hour each week working on your marketing plan.
