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December 13, 1294

The Abdication of Pope Celestine V

Pietro da Morrone became Pope of the Catholic Church in 1294. He had become a Benedictine monk at the age of 17 and had adopted an ascetic life, living in a cave on the Mountain of Maiella in south Italy. There, he founded the order later called the Celestines. At the death of Pope Nicholas IV, Morrone was chosen Pope without his consent. For five months, he issued very few decrees, the most notable being the one allowing a Pope to resign his office. At the end of five months, on December 13, he exercised his option and abdicated, citing his desire for humility and a pure life. He returned to his cave.

Unfortunately for Celestine, his successor, Pope Boniface VIII, had other retirement plans for him. Celestine V was arrested and imprisoned, where he later died. There is some evidence that he was, in fact, murdered.

No Pope has subsequently taken the name Celestine.



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