Change Your Angle, Change Your View | Travel Research Online


Change Your Angle, Change Your View

This is the time of year when just about every writer, author, coach and/or consultant gives a send-off to the previous year while forecasting better things to come in the new year. Not this time. Not today. Not me.


I decided to end the year with a final reminder worthy of some pensive thought. This lesson features a walk in my backyard, where I hit a few golf balls now and then with a short iron or pitching wedge. More times than I like to admit, I push the shot a tad to the right into the adjoining woods. During the summer months the thick vegetation is enough to dissuade me from retrieving these errant shots. I wait until the Fall when the growth dies down, and I can spot the golf balls more easily. (This is called “setting the scene for the lesson to follow.”)

I began my autumn ball-search expecting to find a dozen or so golf balls. I walked slowly down the edge of the lawn focusing my eyes into the “rough.” I began spotting one muddy ball after another as I continued walking down to the end of the yard.

That is when I turned around and began my return journey back toward the house. Lo and behold, I quickly spotted eight more golf balls. And here lies today’s message.


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By changing the angle of my search, approaching the same tree-line from an opposite 180 degrees, the initially unseen balls were now easily identified. That is when the following six words hit me between the eyes: “Change your angle, change your view.”

And so it is with your business. Opportunities may be staring you in the face but, until you take the time to search for them within a number of different scenarios, you may be leaving money along with future relationships on the table.

Sometimes by simply altering your current point of view, just a slight adjustment to your normal, everyday activities can shed a new light on things. The result? A brand new you. Or, at the very least a new and refreshing way of looking at things. “Change your view, change your attitude.”


A headshot of the author, Mike Marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club.

*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Mike’d Up Marchev). Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google, and iHeartRadio.

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