Up and Running | Travel Research Online


Up and Running

I have a work in progress called “Up and Running,” a course on marketing for travel advisors. It is an ongoing project with no end in sight. Here it is for those of you who might want to peruse it. In the lower right-hand corner is “Roxie.” You can ask Roxie about the text, and she’s pretty good with answers. My son, Ryan, created her for another project we have. For example, you can ask Roxie, “How can I market my travel agency,” and she will pull the answer out of the text.

Up and Running will be continually revised and added to as new items and issues occur to me or are requested by others.

Up and Running

Planet Earth a seen from space

Oddly enough the overriding sensation I got looking at the earth was, my god that little thing is so fragile out there.” ~ Michael Collins, Apollo 17 Astronaut

Just for a moment, stare at the picture of the earth on this page.  You and I are neighbors.  I can see your house from here.

We think of the earth as incredibly large and very small, as the most solid entity we can imagine and the most fragile. To the best of our knowledge, it is the only place in the entire known universe where elephants can be found.

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