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Looking back over the past few months, I find myself smiling at the many household accomplishments I have made. I will be quick to admit that many of these have spent a long time in the “incubation” stage much to the chagrin of my wife.

It seems I can overlook things needing attention far faster than my wife. I trust I am not the only husband who can identify with this apparent “flaw.” In any event, the summer of 2023 was the year I scratched off a slew of items from my “To-Do List.” Read the rest of this entry »

Ready Or Not—Here You Come

There is a lyric in a country song that says, “Everybody wants to go to heaven. They just don’t want to go right now.” Oddly enough, that phrase reminded me of a similar soundbite that says, “Everybody wants to be successful. They just don’t want to pay the price.”

Whether you end up in heaven or not is beyond my immediate purview, but I can shed some light on how you can become more successful. The good news is that it just could be easier than you might think. Here are five reminders to help you get started: Read the rest of this entry »

Two Reminders & Three Questions Worth Thinking About

Today’s message introduces two reminders that I feel are extremely important.  The first one reminds us of the Law of Attraction while the second reminds us of how to use just three questions to position strangers for future interaction. Let’s look at one at a time.

I remember the day like it was yesterday, when I first found myself attracted to a member of the opposite sex. And it wasn’t my idea Read the rest of this entry »

Walk Your Talk!

The first step in customer service is making your callers feel welcome. After 20 years of working with entrepreneurs and small companies, I have come to identify and endorse a common trait that is preventing a more rapid growth curve. “Talk is cheap!” As a former athlete myself, I remember hearing the sage advice that “you have to walk your talk.” The New York Giants head coach recently put this into perspective when he told his team, “It is time we stop telling people how good we are and start getting good.” Read the rest of this entry »

How Do They Do That?

As is the case every September, the US Open Tennis Tournament takes place in New York City with the very best players coming to compete for a $3 million dollar prize. You read correctly. $3 million dollars for bouncing a ball back and forth over a net while grunting and sweating profusely in temperatures exceeding 100 degrees.

The money in sports, both in college and professional events has become somewhat bewildering… but that is a topic for another day Read the rest of this entry »

Three Key Reminders Worthy of Focused Attention

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow sales trainer and public speaker, and I want to share a few of the highlights from our interview in today’s article.

I enjoyed “bantering” with The Telephone Doctor, but I know her as Nancy Friedman. Nancy was referred to me by my good friend and fellow speaker Stuart Cohen. He suggested that Nancy might be perfect to appear on one of my biweekly sales meetings for my Inner Circle sales group. As always, Stuart was right on the money, and Nancy was very quick to accept my invitation Read the rest of this entry »

Are You Too Busy Being Busy?

Being “too busy” was just one of the key points (excuses) addressed during an interview I had in July with fellow author, consultant, and all-around good person Marsha Haygood. This is a common retort from more than a few people when asked why they have not followed through on some previously identified goal or objective. “I am/was/will be too busy.”

The truth is that we all have used that excuse from time to time, but the facts are Read the rest of this entry »

It is important that you learn the importance of not playing to the wrong audience. I’ve reminded you of this simple fact more than once. There are people out there who do not want your help. But this does not suggest you stop promoting your services to your marketplace. “But I don’t want to bother people.” That is the common response I hear when I ask clients why they are not attempting to remain more visible in their marketplace.

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A New Way to Look at the Business Trip

My dad was a salesman. He regularly left home on two-week missions to sell more of his “electronic gizmos” in order to pay the mortgage for a home large enough to house my mother and their seven children. I was #2 and I remember those days like it was yesterday. “Mike,” you say, “who cares?” Stay tuned… I am talking to you. My dad loved to fly and he loved his work. Based on our comfortable living conditions while growing up in a big house that was open 24/7 to all shape and size kids, and their friends, he was a successful salesman Read the rest of this entry »

I remember as if it were yesterday, hearing the following words at the home of two Russian immigrants in Chicago. The husband was now an emergency room surgeon while his wife was a successful travel professional. Their home was modest, yet beautifully furnished. The good doctor said after passing the rolls at the dinner table, “If you can’t make it in America, you can’t make it.” Those words stuck with me over the years. That was more than 25 years ago, and I think of that sentence every time I present to a room full of travel professionals Read the rest of this entry »

Being Your Own Boss: Advice from a Pro

Being my own boss (pulling my own strings) for over thirty years has taught me quite a bit about persistence, resilience, and discipline. While on the subject, feel free to toss in the words, focus, collaboration, creativity, boldness, disappointment, futility, and uncertainty. I’ve learned a lot through the years, although the more experience I’ve gained it seems the more I don’t understand. Here are five areas that still leave me scratching my head. Read the rest of this entry »

Knowing is Nice, Doing Pays the Rent

If I had to pick two words that consistently raised the cackles on my neck when sharing some advice with my stepson during his early years, it was his knee-jerk response. Here I was sharing my hard-earned experience in an effort to help him circumvent a foolish mistake, and he hits me with “I know.”

(Combine “I know” with an eye-roll and there was cause to immediately dial 911—just in case the old man might blow a gasket.) Read the rest of this entry »

Three Keys to Earning Clients’ Trust

Who Do You Trust?

A handful of seasoned travel agents will recognize these four words as the title of a TV show first introduced in the early fifties and hosted by Johnny Carson.

Fast-forward nearly 60 years, and these four words still represent an interesting question.

Exactly who can we trust today? Read the rest of this entry »

Beware of What You Read

The headline read: “All Indications Point Toward a Banner Year For Travel Professionals According to James T. Bigelow”

You don’t know the writer, and he doesn’t know you. Yet I am quite certain that you are feeling better about your travel business knowing there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Things are looking up, according to some person known as an “authority.” In this case it’s James T. Bigelow Read the rest of this entry »

Is Loyalty a Thing of the Past?

I love to visit early morning coffee shops when I am away from home. I listen to the locals meet and greet their friends during their daily ritual on their way to work. It truly is better entertainment for me than today’s TV selections.

A recent visit brought me to The White Castle on Central Avenue in Clark, N.J. This could very well have been the birthplace of the famous New Jersey “Death Ball”—a greasy hamburger about the size of a quarter. (Their coffee is their redeeming factor.)

I was nestled in the corner hiding behind my open laptop when Read the rest of this entry »

Capitalizing On “Hidden” Opportunities

I am not sure if you can call this my “signature story” but it’s true that I have been sharing this particular point for over 30-years in my speaking business. It involves a single PowerPoint slide where I ask the audience to count the number of times they spot a particular letter clearly printed on the slide. It is not a trick. It calls for a single answer. The result for over 30 years? I get four different answers to the question. Read the rest of this entry »

Sales: Art or Science?

Science tells us that water boils at 212 degrees. This is not an opinion. The boiling point doesn’t change depending on the day of the week or the economy. Your political persuasion does not affect the exact time that water boils nor does the price of gas on any one particular day. Water boils as expected: 212 degrees. 211 degrees? No boiling. 212? Let the bubbles begin. Art on the other hand shows us details and then allows us to interpret it as we see it. The exact same picture can be interpreted Read the rest of this entry »

A Lesson From the Music Industry’s Taylor Swift

Regardless of your age or musical preference, you undoubtedly have heard of Taylor Swift. Like her sound or not, this young lady is incredibly successful based on numerous reference points.

In a recent Inc. Magazine, the author positioned Ms. Swift’s successful strategy as one that other “successful want-to-be’s” could easily follow. There were four points to consider. Read the rest of this entry »

Good To See You (Inc.)

Inc. Magazine is a well-known content-driven periodical very much worth reading. In short, it shares a whole bunch of good stuff every month when it comes to entrepreneurial recommendations, ideas, case studies, and overall information. I look forward to receiving their e-zine every month. In most instances, I find myself agreeing with the authors, finding myself interested and stimulated by their views and examples. That is until I read today’s featured article. Read the rest of this entry »

You’ll Never Know Until You Ask

From time to time, my wife interrupts my morning crossword puzzle concentration by sharing an article she feels I will connect with. Such was the case this morning. In this particular scenario, a woman wrote a letter to a celebrity entertainer on a whim and was surprised when he accepted her invitation to show him around Denver. This lesson in “asking” reminded me of a similar story from an agent I once interviewed having been impressed with Read the rest of this entry »

Practice Makes Perfect

Probably not unlike you, my mind works in funny ways. This morning, I was having a cup of coffee on my back porch allowing my mind to wander. I soon began thinking about the difference between an amateur and a professional. I am sure you share my appreciation for watching a true professional ply their craft. It was approaching 6:30 am when I pictured a professional golfer starting his daily routine of hitting about 500 balls Read the rest of this entry »