Two Reminders & Three Questions Worth Thinking About | Travel Research Online


Two Reminders & Three Questions Worth Thinking About

Today’s message introduces two reminders that I feel are extremely important.  The first one reminds us of the Law of Attraction while the second reminds us of how to use just three questions to position strangers for future interaction. Let’s look at one at a time.

I remember the day like it was yesterday, when I first found myself attracted to a member of the opposite sex. And it wasn’t my idea.

If my memory serves me correctly, I was around ten years old when I experienced my first “crush.”  A very interesting series of events unfolded as soon as I heard that somebody thought I was a cool dude. I remember immediately returning the feeling. “If Mary liked me, then I liked Mary.” Not knowing it at the time, a great sales lesson was being introduced to me in disguise. A lesson that would hold true for the next 60 plus years… and then some.

In short, in most cases people like the people who like them. It is just as important to highlight the opposite being true. People do not like people who do not like them. This little factoid is BIG. MAJOR. SIGNIFICANT. You can take this to the bank.

It is true for ten-year old children, and it is true for 70-year old adults. And, it will be true for those in their nineties. People generally like the people who like them. The message here should be obvious, but I will explain it just the same. Look for reasons to like people. They will return the favor.

When you meet people for the first time, they will automatically cross over from “stranger” to acquaintance. So, in order to move the relationship even further into the plus column, I want you to remember the following:  


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When people meet you for the first time, imagine that they will be asking themselves three questions:

  1. Can I trust this person?  We all know that trust takes time but there is one thing you can do to indicate your trustworthiness right from the beginning. Focus on the person in front of you. Maintain positive eye contact. Stop any inclination to multitask. Listen. Stand tall. Focus.
  2. Do they know what they are talking about? The biggest mistake you can make is to get caught in a lie or to show your ignorance by sharing something that isn’t true … or isn’t quite true. In other words, don’t guess. If you stick with the facts as you know them, you will be working from a solid foundation. If you are not sure of something, offer to get back to the person. (Then, get back to them.)
  3. Do they care about me? Everybody is a VIP in their own mind. Indicate that you care by focusing on them and asking questions concerning their past, present and future. Then, and this should come as no surprise, listen to what they have to say.

You might be saying to yourself right about now that today’s message borders on insulting your intelligence. If this is indeed the case, I have succeeded in delivering today’s reminder. I agree it is simple stuff for sure. My fear, however, is that although you already may know it, you are still finding numerous excuses not to practice it.  


image of mike marchev

Mike Marchev is always looking for a few more proactive travel professionals to join his Sales and Marketing Club,

*** You want more to think about? Check out my weekly podcast (Miked Up Marchev). Also listed on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google, and iHeartRadio.

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