Think-Do-Achieve | Travel Research Online



Let’s focus on the following systematic approach.

Think – Do – Achieve

(1) Write one letter to a person in your community who has made a difference. You can pick out this person from your morning readings in your local newspaper. Acknowledge their contribution and invite them for a cup of coffee.

(2) Write a “Thank-you” note to one of your treasured clients. (A sincere one)

(3) Write the opening paragraph for the article you have always thought about writing. Think about a catchy title (Headline)

Example: “10 Sales Lessons I Learned From Watching The Animated Movie – Shrek.”

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(4) Catch an employee doing something good this week and applaud them. (Make a habit out of doing this.)

(5) Pick one file from a bulging cabinet and clean it out. (Do this preferably after hours)

(6) Pick up a sales related book and read a single chapter. (Highlight a single point that catches your imagination.)

If you can’t manage to do all six of my suggestions, pick one. I know you can find the time to do one. Just one.

If you don’t feel comfortable with my suggestions, fill in a few of your own. The key is forward moving “activity.”

Your next good client is out there wondering where you are hiding. It is not their responsibility to find you. Go find them. Go meet them. Go help them.

You have plenty of reasons to go out into your marketplace and make a difference. I want a little less talk and a lot more action. After you think about it, do it. Your personal achievement will be close behind.

Mike Marchev is the author of the sales book titled Become The Exception and is a popular speaker at industry events. You can receive a complimentary copy of his Special Report titled “Your 12-Word Marketing Plan.” Email Mike and put the number “12” in the subject box. Also, ask about his 3rd Annual Training Cruise coming in November.

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